A collection of photos of things that are brown. I will be adding to this collection over time as I row my boat and explore the coast of Great Britain through the seasons and visit new places.
What did people wear in the 1940s? How has fashion changed between then and now? What impact did World War Two have on the clothing people wore? Four cut out and dress dolls as examples of clothing from the 1940s, and four black and white versions for students to colour themselves.
A collection of resources focused on the country of Georgia where I lived and taught for a number of years. Ideal for geography lessons, and for photos for things like markets, foods, theatre, churches, and talks about settlements and geology.
A physical movements, characteristics, and actions themed colouring activity to inspire students to think about the world around them. Ideal for primary school students, and students learning English as a foreign language.
A materials, properties, characteristics, and actions themed colouring activity to inspire students to think about the world around them. Ideal for primary school students, and students learning English as a foreign language.